Student Policies

Student Handbook

Student Forms

Previous Study And Skills Recognition

Heed Health Education offers assessment processes that enable recognition of competencies currently held, regardless of how, when or where the learning took place in the form of Credit Transfer and Recognition of Prior Learning.

Credit Transfer (CT)

Heed Health Education recognises Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) Qualifications and Statements of Attainment that have been issued by other Registered Training Organisations (RTO). If you have completed a prior Qualification or a Statement of Attainment with the unit(s) equivalent to those enrolling in, issued under AQF from any state or territory, Heed Health Education will offer exemptions for those unit(s) of competency.

To apply for a CT student will need to supply a certified copy of the relevant documents (certificates and/or statement of attainment(s)) and/or access to the student USI portal to verify the completed unit of competency/qualification in accordance with the VET regulator’s requirement. We may also require permission to contact the RTO to confirm the certificates and/or statement of attainment.

CT must be applied at the point of enrolment with Enrolment Application Form.


RPL is an assessment process that involves an assessor making a judgment on the skills and knowledge you have acquired through work experience, employment and other life experience.

RPL is the acknowledgement of skills and knowledge obtained through prior formal learning as well as learning achieved outside the formal education and training system. It may include work and life experience including paid work or unpaid volunteer work; skills attained through community or leisure pursuits; ‘hands-on’ practical skills or natural talent or aptitude – previously unrecognised.

If you have at least 3 to 5 years of work experience in the relevant industry you may be eligible for RPL for some of the units of competency.

Your skills and experience from the past five (5) years are the most important, with a particular emphasis on the previous two (2) years.

If you consider applying for RPL then please refer to the steps for an RPL Assessment mentioned in Student Handbook.

For any questions, contact Heed Health Education via email: [email protected]

Privacy Policy

Heed Health Education is committed to ensuring the privacy of its prospective, current and past students and employees’ information in accordance with the Privacy Act. Heed Health Education collects the personal information that is necessary for the conduct of its business and that we will use in the manner for which it was intended.

Heed Health Education handles all personal information supplied to the organisation with confidentiality and within the guidelines and standards that apply to Registered Training Organisations. No information is provided to third parties unless required by law and/or legislation.

Under the Data Provision Requirements 2012Heed Health Education is required to collect personal information and disclose that information to the NCVER. Personal information disclosed to NCVER may be used or disclosed for the following purposes:

  • Issuing a VET Statement of Attainment or VET Qualification, and populating Authenticated VET Transcripts;
  • facilitating statistics and research relating to education, including surveys;
  • understanding how the VET market operates, for policy, workforce planning and consumer information; and
  • administering VET, including program administration, regulation, monitoring and evaluation.

You may receive a student survey which may be administered by an NCVER employee, agent or third-party contractor. You may opt-out of the survey at the time of being contacted. NCVER will collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), the National VET Data Policy and all NCVER policies and protocols (including those published on NCVER’s website at

Privacy Notice Schedule 1

Minimum mandatory content for inclusion in a Privacy Notice

Why we collect your personal information

As a Registered Training Organisation (RTO), we collect your personal information so we can process and manage your enrolment in vocational education and training (VET) course with us.

How we use your personal information

We use your personal information to enable us to deliver VET courses to you, and otherwise, as needed, to comply with our obligations as an RTO.

How we disclose your personal information

We are required by law (under the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 (Cth) (NVETR Act)) to disclose the personal information we collect about you to the National VET Data Collection kept by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research Ltd (NCVER). The NCVER is responsible for collecting, managing, analysing and communicating research and statistics about the Australian VET sector.

We are also authorised by law (under the NVETR Act) to disclose your personal information to the relevant state or territory training authority.

How the NCVER and other bodies handle your personal information

The NCVER will collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information in accordance with the law, including the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) and the NVETR Act. Your personal information may be used and disclosed by NCVER for purposes that include populating authenticated VET transcripts; administration of VET; facilitation of statistics and research relating to education, including surveys and data linkage; and understanding the VET market.

The NCVER is authorised to disclose information to the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment (DESE), Commonwealth authorities, State and Territory authorities (other than registered training organisations) that deal with matters relating to VET and VET regulators for the purposes of those bodies, including to enable:

  • administration of VET, including program administration, regulation, monitoring and evaluation
  • facilitation of statistics and research relating to education, including surveys and data linkage
  • understanding how the VET market operates, for policy, workforce planning and consumer information.

The NCVER may also disclose personal information to persons engaged by NCVER to conduct research on NCVER’s behalf.

The NCVER does not intend to disclose your personal information to any overseas recipients.

For more information about how the NCVER will handle your personal information please refer to the NCVER’s Privacy Policy at

If you would like to seek access to or correct your information, in the first instance, please contact your RTO using the contact details listed below.

DESE is authorised by law, including the Privacy Act and the NVETR Act, to collect, use and disclose your personal information to fulfil specified functions and activities. For more information about how the DESE will handle your personal information, please refer to the DESE VET Privacy Notice at


You may receive a student survey which may be run by a government department or an NCVER employee, agent, third-party contractor or another authorised agency. Please note you may opt-out of the survey at the time of being contacted.

Contact information

At any time, you may contact Heed Health Education to:

  • request access to your personal information
  • correct your personal information
  • make a complaint about how your personal information has been handled
  • ask a question about this Privacy Notice.

You can contact Heed Health Education via email: [email protected]

Heed Health Education

Heed Education Pty Ltd trading as Heed Health Education is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) with provider number #45064 and offers nationally recognised training programs registered by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA).

To enquire about our training services contact us on
0422 964 333
or write us an email on [email protected]