Student Policies

About us

Heed Education Pty Ltd (ABN 21 617 613 984) trading as Heed Health Education delivers nationally recognised qualification in the following areas: 

  • HLT51020 Diploma of Emergency Health Care  
  • HLT41120 Certificate IV in Health Care 

Our courses are designed to meet the ever evolving needs, demands and requirements of the industry and employers. We aim to provide a quality learning experience with the required skills and knowledge for our students in a variety of training and assessment methods that are inclusive but not limited to: 

  • Interactive online learning environment 
  • Face-to-face Clinical Intensive Workshops 
  • Clinical Placement
  • Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
  • Credit Transfer (CT)

Heed Health Education ensures that its educators meet the national standards for delivery and assessment of the courses offered. Our courses are delivered by industry qualified educators who have significant experience and skill in the health industry. 

Our highly qualified and passionate team is committed to providing a quality learning experience for our students. Our team is sincerely dedicated to not only ensure you are qualified with a document stating you have attained a qualification but most importantly YOU are job ready, and an employer prefers to have Heed Health Education graduate on board. We all share the same passion and envision of not just selling a qualification but imparting YOU with the right skills and knowledge that can be put to use in the industry and will help realise dreams and save lives! 

Heed Health Education

Heed Education Pty Ltd trading as Heed Health Education is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) with provider number #45064 and offers nationally recognised training programs registered by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA).

To enquire about our training services contact us on
0422 964 333
or write us an email on [email protected]